Small change: get ready to rumble
First published onOct 01, 2024
“There are no disagreements around here,” said a CEO we used to know, many moons ago. “We’re a happy ship.” Of course, it later transpired that his business was on the verge of mutiny.
Conflict is an inevitability of organisational life. Pretending it’s not there doesn’t make it go away.
And knowing how to engage in healthy conflict — which is to say, how to resolve conflict quickly and for the greater good — is an attribute of all high performing, change-ready cultures.
Developing this skill starts with getting curious about why others see the world as they do. Exploring the root causes of differences in opinion can be uncomfortable, particularly where human relationships are concerned. But the alternative is to live in denial: a sure-fire way to end up with a far larger price to pay when the bill inevitably falls due.
Something to consider: what are our disagreements trying to teach us about one another?
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